The University of Sydney is leading a new program aimed at improving the resilience of the NSW dairy industry – under pressure from years of drought followed by last season’s megafires – with a multi-million dollar grant announced by the NSW Government today, in conjunction with co-investments from the private sector, amounting to the biggest project of its kind in the industry.
Australian Minister for Emergency Management David Littleproud and NSW Minister for Agriculture Adam Marshall today announced the $16 million total investment for the five-year program to accelerate recovery and build business resilience and growth in the dairy industry.
The announcement comes on the day of the first meeting of the project’s Board at the Dairy Research Foundation (DRF) headquarters at the University’s Camden campus, with representatives from the Department of Primary Industry (DPI), the DRF, Scibus, Dairy Australia, NSW Farmers, Dairy Connect, DairyNSW, Local Land Services (Hunter and SE), Norco, Australian Fresh Milk Holding Ltd; LPC Ltd and the NSW Dairy Advocate and Dairy Advisory Panel.
Mr Littleproud said the funding and collaboration will deliver a multi-year program to accelerate recovery and build business resilience and growth in the dairy industry, following the significant impacts of the 2019/20 bushfires.
University of Sydney Vice-Chancellor and Principal Professor Stephen Garton said the program was a wonderful example of the university sector’s crucial role in applying research to address complex problems facing society.
“This innovative, collaborative project draws on the University’s deep expertise and industry partnerships to ‘future-proof’ the dairy industry in the face of drought and bushfires while increasing productivity – helping safeguard our food security,” Professor Garton said.
University of Sydney’s DRF director Professor Sergio (Yani) Garcia is the project’s lead, and said the program would accelerate the recovery of the drought and fire-affected NSW dairy industry, and improve farm business resilience and preparedness.
“With this new large collaborative program, the University is once again at the vanguard of innovation and advanced applied dairy research; the DRF is the arm linking this research with industry needs,” said Professor Garcia, from the Sydney Institute of Agriculture and School of Life and Environmental Sciences.
“We have termed the program ‘4Hs’ – healthy milk, cows, systems, and people; the program looks to unlock the potential of milk, cow and water to increase farm business profit, de-risk the dairy industry and develop new markets. We hope to accelerate the sector’s recovery and contribute to its future successes and profitability.
“This collaborative program will invigorate dairy RD&E in NSW, marking the beginning of a new and vibrant future for the NSW dairy industry, with true integration of all industry sectors.”
Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture Michael Johnsen said the NSW Government had partnered with the University of Sydney’s Dairy Research Foundation (DRF) to deliver the collaborative program.
“The combined effect of bushfires, drought and the COVID-19 pandemic reduced milk output and disrupted the supply chain which has impacted everyone, from farmers to processors, right down to consumers,” Mr Johnsen said.
“But pleasingly, we are now seeing industry turn around and return to the productivity that made it a world-leader in the dairy space.
“The dairy industry is worth more than $600 million to the State’s economy each year, so it’s vital we fast-track recovery, especially from last summer’s bushfires.”
The DRF-lead program is part of the NSW Government’s $140 million Bushfire Industry Recovery Package and would include 10 integrated projects.
Professor Garcia worked with NSW DPI, Scibus and the NSW Fresh Milk and Dairy Advocate Mr Ian Zandstra, to secure contributions from a broad range of partners.
The program is a collaborative effort between the NSW Government, the University of Sydney, Dairy Australia, the private sector, NSW dairy industry organisations, and the broader national dairy industry.