Reddy told the officials of SC Corporation, DRDA and ITDA-Utnoor to ensure the beneficiaries of Dalit Bandhu buy milch animals through the initiatives by these departments. He asked the officials of MEPMA to identify dairy farmers to improve the daily procurement of milk and asked them to prepare proposals of loans by making the farmers enter into an agreement with Telangana Vijaya Dairy.
Earlier, Telangana Vijaya Adilabad district Dairy Deputy Director Madhusudhan said the district was recording 3,500 litres of milk per day as against the capacity of 21,000 litres. He stated that Bulk Milk Chilling Units were being operated in Nirmal and Bhainsa towns. He added that a unit would be established at Kallur village of Kuntala mandal soon.
Additional Collector Ram Babu, District Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Officer Shankar, Lead Bank Manager Chandrashekhar, SBI Regional Manager Surya Prakash Rao, general manager Srinivas Reddy and many others were present.