Green activists of the Public Action Committee, led by advocate Yogesh Khanna, an esteemed social activist and environmentalist, highlighted the ongoing pollution issues associated with Tajpur Dairies Complex, on Sunday.
Pollution from dairies a worry PAC

Green activists of the Public Action Committee, led by advocate Yogesh Khanna, an esteemed social activist and environmentalist, highlighted the ongoing pollution issues associated with Tajpur Dairies Complex, on Sunday.

Despite the establishment of an effluent treatment plant (ETP) funded by public money, issues such as improper disposal of cow dung and other waste persist, they said.

Also, the planned biogas plant is incomplete, and the drains continue to discharge untreated industrial and dairy waste into the Buddha Dariya, undermining efforts to clean the water body.

Advocate Khanna emphasised the need for a cooperative community approach to address the pollution crisis. He urged all segments of society to unite in the fight against pollution and contribute to restoring environmental health. Immediate action is critical, he said.

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