29 Sep 2024
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Delegation urges USDA to support organic dairy farmers affected by Danone pullout

Delegation urges USDA to support organic dairy farmers affected by Danone pullout

US Senators from Maine Susan Collins and Angus King and Representatives Chellie Pingree and Jared Golden have sent a letter to US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack urging the department to provide federal support to the 14 Maine organic dairy farms recently notified their contracts will not be renewed by Horizon Organic, a subsidiary of the multinational corporation Danone.

Leahy, Sanders and Welch lead regional push for organic dairy support

leahy sanders and welch lead regional push organic dairy support

Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont), Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont), and Representative Peter Welch (D-Vermont) Wednesday led a bicameral group of Northeastern lawmakers in urging Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to close organic loopholes, strengthen enforcement, and use every tool available to support small- and mid-sized organic dairy farmers.

Organic milk price dropped

Organic milk price dropped

Fonterra’s small group of organic farmers are facing a drop in milk price after a record $10.26/kgMS payout last year.

Milk, wine drive organic surge

Milk wine drive organic surge

Organic dairy products and wine have surged ahead in latest organic sales data, proving to be the star performers in the sector’s export markets, with double-digit surges in sales since 2017.

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29 September, 2024

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