29 Sep 2024
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Milk Marketing Board Claims Dean Foods Bonds

DFA loses an inside track in bidding for nations largest dairy processor

Dairy Farmers of America is closer to getting paid for some of its April milk after the Pennsylvania Milk Marketing Board made four claims against Dean Foods’ milk dealer bonds.

Milk Dumping

Milk Dumping

Facing plummeting prices and a market strained by the coronavirus, dairy farmers across the country have resorted to dumping milk.

Dairy groups differ on how to reduce milk production

Dairy groups differ on how to reduce milk production

National Milk Producers Federation and the International Dairy Foods Association sent a set of recommendations to USDA on how the agency can assist dairy farmers and processors as they see markets crash in the coronavirus pandemic.

The Milk Situation

The Milk Situation

Americans have been souring on dairy milk for decades. Here’s how farmers are trying to win us back.

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29 September, 2024

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