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14 Dec 2024
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According to the policy, genetic improvement of breeds through artificial insemination has been undertaken on a mission mode, with approximately 15 lakh cows inseminated annually at no cost.
According to the policy, genetic improvement of breeds through artificial insemination has been undertaken on a mission mode, with approximately 15 lakh cows inseminated annually at no cost.

Under the artificial insemination program, the State government has introduced ‘sex sorted semen’ (SSS), which will guarantee the delivery of female calves while also increasing milk output and farmer income.

Female calves will be produced with 90% accuracy using the new semen sorting technique, compared to a 50:50 male to female sex ratio with normal semen.

This will have far-reaching effects since it will not only increase the population of milch cows but will also reduce the number of stray cattle by reducing bull production.

“The artificial insemination program is being implemented in compliance with the Odisha Bovine Breeding Policy,” Agriculture Production Commissioner Sanjeev Chopra stated.

“Farmers would have access to the SSS of advanced breeds such as Gir, Sahiwal, Cross Bred Jersey, and Cross Bred Holstein Friesian,” he said.

According to the policy, genetic improvement of breeds through artificial insemination has been undertaken on a mission mode, with approximately 15 lakh cows inseminated annually at no cost.

Minister for Fisheries and Animal Resources Development Arun Kumar Sahoo, who launched the program, said the government is now focused on cow breed improvement in order to increase milk output by using the sperm of high genetic potential bulls.

From 8.75 lakh metric tons in 2000 to over 23.73 lakh metric tons in 2021, milk production has more than tripled in the last two decades.

R Raghu Prasad, the department’s Principal Secretary, stated that the sex-sorted sperm program will be implemented in all districts. Dairy farmers will receive a 75 per cent subsidy from the state government.

In the mineral-bearing areas covered by the OMBADC program, the subsidy is 100 percent, he noted.

In 2022-23, over 1.2 lakh dairy animals in the state will be covered with 5.5 million doses of sex-sorted semen.

A single dose of sex-sorted semen costs Rs 715, but the government would supply it to dairy farmers for Rs 180.

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