The OMFED on Thursday announced a Rs 4 per litre hike in price of milk from April 1, 2023. A packet of 500 ml toned milk will now cost Rs 23, premium milk Rs 26, gold milk Rs 26 and chai special milk Rs 25.
The federation attributed the price hike to an increase in the costs of packaging, logistics, cattle feed, and other operational costs. The apex federation decided to revise the cost of milk to ensure fair price to the milk producers who have been demanding for long a hike. Around 90 per cent of the OMFED cost goes to milk procurement.
Chairman of Odisha Milk Farmers Association, Rabi Behera said the price hike is too late and too little. As the input cost of the milk producers have gone up manifold, the state government should regulate the cattle feed and provide the same to farmers at subsidised rates, he said.