In his complaint filed on Friday, Abhishek said that in October last year of had been given a franchise to run an Amul retail outlet in Angul town.
The complaint stated that Pradyumnya misused that deal and subsequently offered distributorship to one Subrat Sahoo of Talcher town without the company’s knowledge. For that, Pradyumnya had taken around Rs 1 lakh from Subrat. Pradyumnya gave him forged company documents confirming the deal and had also introduced one as Amul’s branch manager in Cuttack.
After a while Subrat realised he had been cheated and lodged a complaint with the police. On July 3, Subrat
approached Abhishek and informed him about the entire incident, following which an FIR was lodged against Pradyumnya. Angul SP Jagmohan Meena said Pradyumna has been booked for cheating and forgery.