Gwalior Municipal Corporation (GMC) on Friday seized a buffalo belonging to a dairy operator for defaulting in payment of water tax.
Gwalior civic body takes away dairy operator’s buffalo for defaulting in water tax payment

Gwalior Municipal Corporation (GMC) on Friday seized a buffalo belonging to a dairy operator for defaulting in payment of water tax.

Officials said the action was taken as part of an ongoing drive to recover property and water tax dues from habitual defaulters.

The Corporation’s Public Health Engineering (PHE) department had issued a notice in name of the dairy operator, Balkishan Pal, a resident of Dalian Wala area for the delay in payment of water tax due of Rs1.39 lakh.

Balkishan was asked to pay the due water tax several times, but he did not pay any heed to the warning. Later, GMC’s PHE department issued a final notice and gave him an ultimatum to pay the due water within certain days.

Gwalior Municipal Corporation Commissioner Kishore Kanyal said, “When a property owner fails to pay tax on time despite receiving notices, then we start the process of Kurki (property attachment). A final notice is issued to the defaulter and his movable or immovable property is confiscated or attached.”

“We have seized a buffalo of a dairy operator as he failed to pay water tax on time. A total water tax due of Rs 1.39 lakh was pending on his name,” the GMC commissioner added.

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