FrieslandCampina Engro Pakistan Limited (FCEPL) has won Gold Standard Award 2022 for corporate citizenship and sustainability at a ceremony in Singapore held by Public Relations and Communications Association Asia Pacific (PRCA APAC), a statement said on Saturday.

The company was recognised for its diary development program designed to help increase inclusion, profitability, and quality for dairy farmers in Pakistan and transform the country’s dairy sector.

According to FCEPL, it has trained over 1.2 million Pakistani farmers with dairy farmers practices, which include over 31,800 women farmers who now work as agripreneurs and milk collection agents in the country.

Speaking on the occasion, Ali Khan, managing director at FCEPL, said they were honoured to receive the Gold Standard Award 2022 for corporate citizenship in recognition of their efforts.

“We believe in dairy being a transformative engine of economic growth, and we remain committed to sustainably nourishing Pakistan, which includes supporting multiple capacity building initiatives, thereby enabling a better living for our farmers.”

The company has put efforts to help women agripreneurs in the country to improve their skills, become financially independent, and formally contribute to the economy.

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