The FrieslandCampina guaranteed price remains unchanged compared to the guaranteed price of last month (35.00 euros).

The prices for raw milk paid by the reference companies are expected to remain stable in September.
This month the protein value is 571.34 euros, the fat value 285.67 euros and the lactose value 57.13 euros per 100 kilos.
The guaranteed price applies to 100 kilos of milk with a protein content of 3.47 percent, a fat content of 4.41 percent and a lactose content of 4.51 percent and is exclusive of VAT. The amounts shown apply to an average supply of 800,000 kilos of milk annually.
The FrieslandCampina guaranteed price is part of the milk price FrieslandCampina pays on an annual basis to member dairy farmers. Every month the guaranteed price is estimated based on the development of the published milk prices of the reference companies.

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