Several customers from Koodal Nagar, BB Kulam, Thirupalai, Arapalayam and Sikandarsavadi in Madurai have complained that the Aavin milk packets got spoilt within a few hours of purchase on Tuesday.
Complaints over stale milk in Madurai, Aavin blames dealers for laxity
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Sources said some of the packets were replaced and distributed to the dealers, agents and customers.

Several customers from Koodal Nagar, BB Kulam, Thirupalai, Arapalayam and Sikandarsavadi in Madurai have complained that the Aavin milk packets got spoilt within a few hours of purchase on Tuesday. Sources said several customers returned the packets to dealers and allegedly several thousands were returned to the dairy plant in Aavin (Madurai).

Tamil Nadu Milk Dealers Association deputy secretary K Rupan said, “Several customers complained that the milk got spoilt within a few hours of purchase from the dealers. Most of the varieties including the Tea Mate (1 litre) and Delight (200 ml, 500 ml) got spoilt in a day.

Hence, we have returned several milk packets to Aavin (Madurai) in the last two days. An unusually large number of milk packets have got spoilt in many areas. We were unable to explain the cause of this incident.”

An official from the dairy division of Aavin (Madurai) said, “There are many reasons — one of the reasons could be that the dealers did not maintain the cold storage system properly. Milk packets must be kept below 4º C, to prevent bacteria formation which will lead to their getting spoilt. Most dealers are not serious about storage and packets are mostly kept under direct sun.

If milk is stored in such poor condition, the shelf life will be less than four hours. Aavin milk packets have an expiry window of 2 days and if the milk is not boiled, it will get spoilt faster. The reason could be any of the above, but we are being blamed. Technical issues in storage or processing in the dairy plant could have contributed to the issue, but we cannot conclude anything now.”

Speaking to TNIE, Aavin (Madurai) General Manager A Sivagami said, “We have formed an internal committee from Aavin (Madurai) to investigate. We do not want to comment on the political statements made by local politicians. Besides, the number of spoilt milk packets is huge. Based on the report, action will be taken.”

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