Chinese dairy giant Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co., Ltd. (Yili, 600887.SH) shared its whole-lifecycle nutrition and health innovative practices at Growth Asia Summit 2023 held from September 26 to 28 in Singapore.
Photo shows Philip Wescombe, head of Yili Innovation Centre Oceania, delivers a keynote speech during the Growth Asia Summit 2023 held from September 26 to 28 in Singapore.
Photo shows Philip Wescombe, head of Yili Innovation Centre Oceania, delivers a keynote speech during the Growth Asia Summit 2023 held from September 26 to 28 in Singapore.

Chinese dairy giant Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co., Ltd. (Yili, 600887.SH) shared its whole-lifecycle nutrition and health innovative practices at Growth Asia Summit 2023 held from September 26 to 28 in Singapore.

Photo shows Philip Wescombe, head of Yili Innovation Centre Oceania, delivers a keynote speech during the Growth Asia Summit 2023 held from September 26 to 28 in Singapore.
Photo shows Philip Wescombe, head of Yili Innovation Centre Oceania, delivers a keynote speech during the Growth Asia Summit 2023 held from September 26 to 28 in Singapore.

During the event, Philip Wescombe, head of Yili Innovation Centre Oceania, shared Yili’s scientific research achievements and innovative applications in the fields of proteins and probiotics in dairy products in his keynote speech. He also elaborated on Yili’s explorations of nutritious, healthy and high-quality solutions provided for consumers in various scenarios on the entire range of life stages.

As one of the top five dairy companies in the world, Yili has been actively upgrading healthy and nutritious dairy products to meet growing consumer needs. In the future, the company will further develop dairy proteins and probiotics to offer consumers more innovative products, said Wescombe.

Yili is leading the industry with its agile and efficient innovation. Dutch dairy producer FrieslandCampina is collaborating with Yili on multiple projects and looks forward to cooperation with Yili in expanded areas in the future, said Job Van Rozendaal, vice president of FrieslandCampina Ingredients in Asia Pacific.

It’s noted that Yili has 81 production bases, 15 research and development centers, and over 2,000 partners across the world. The company’s overseas business revenue grew by 19.9 percent in the first half of 2023, according to its half-year financial report.

The Growth Asia Summit 2023, co-hosted by the U.K.-based food and drink business media William Reed and its outlets of NutraIngredients and FoodNavigator, aimed to provide a communication platform for researchers and developers, market and trend experts, leading academics, and big-name brands to share insights and opportunities for industrial growth.

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