R. S. Sodhi, the current Managing Director of Amul Federation, was recently chosen to take over as the new President of the Indian Dairy Association (IDA).
The Indian Dairy Association (IDA) was established in 1948 and has since grown to become the governing body of the dairy industry in India. Its membership includes dairy cooperatives, multinational corporations, corporate bodies, private institutions, educational institutions, as well as government and public sector units.
Sodhi, who is currently serving as a member of the Board of Directors for the International Dairy Federation in addition to leading the Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd (GCMMF), an 18-member dairy organization that is responsible for the production of milk products under the Amul brand (IDF).
Following his election as President of the IDA, Sodhi made the following statement: ‘It is an honor for me to represent the IDA because Dr. Varghese Kurien, my mentor, held the same post in the year 1964, and now I received the opportunity to head this institution after 58 years.’
Sodhi has worked in the dairy industry for the past four decades, and he has been the CEO of Amul for the past 12 years.