Amul (Anand Milk Union Limited) will slowly and steadily expand its presence in the dairy market in Tamil Nadu, its managing director Amit Vyas said in Trichy on Saturday.
Shah inaugurates Amul’s first exclusive organic shop

Amul (Anand Milk Union Limited) will slowly and steadily expand its presence in the dairy market in Tamil Nadu, its managing director Amit Vyas said in Trichy on Saturday.

Participating in an agriculture exhibition organised at Kalaiarangam hall near Central bus stand, Vyas said Amul is making a foray into production of organic fertilizers in TN by procuring cow dung directly from farmers and cattle owners.

“Amul is already in the Tamil Nadu dairy market selling butter, cheese, and ice cream. For milk, through our plant in Chittoor (Andhra Pradesh), we will be able to supply to Bengaluru and we have already started selling curd in Chennai. Slowly and steadily, we will enter into that area (milk) too,” Vyas told reporters.

Having been selling organic fertilizer on a pilot basis for the last two years, Amul will start production at its facility in Namakkal within 10 days, he said. The fertilizers will be sold in powder, granule, and liquid form aimed at Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh markets. He said he was overwhelmed by the reception received by organic products including fertilizers displayed at the exhibition.

Vyas said the aim of the Amul dairy unit is to support similar milk cooperative societies and increase income of farmers, and not to compete with other milk procurement societies. Vyas added that Amul pays almost 80 paise back to farmers for every one rupee earned.

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