The Tamil Nadu Cooperative Milk Producers Federation (Aavin) has provided 191 automatic milk fat testing machines worth ₹1.07 crore to milk unions in Coimbatore...
Aavin distributes milk testing machines to unions in Coimbatore
The Tamil Nadu Cooperative Milk Producers Federation (Aavin) has provided 191 automatic milk fat testing machines worth ₹1.07 crore to milk unions in Coimbatore, ensuring dairy farmers receive immediate receipts for milk quality and quantity, announced Minister for Milk and Dairy Development, RS Rajakannappan, in Coimbatore on Thursday.
Inspecting a dairy unit at Pachapalayam, Mr. Rajakannappan noted that of Coimbatore’s 323 unions, 231 currently issue spot receipts to farmers after testing. To extend this service across all unions, these machines were supplied at a 60% subsidy under the National Programme on Dairy Development (NPDD 2023-2024).
The district’s 323 unions comprise 7,524 members who collectively supply 1.33 lakh litres of milk daily. Of this, 2.15 lakh litres is distributed daily via 800 dealers, priced at ₹40 per litre. Farmers earn incentives based on milk fat content, and Aavin offers 48 milk-based products, including its newly launched paneer, following the Chief Minister’s directive.

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Union minister for fisheries, animal husbandry and dairy Rajiv Ranjan Singh on Monday said govt was working to make the country free from foot and mouth disease (FMD) by ensuring that milk and dairy products exports were allowed to go to European countries.

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