The Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd that sells milk under the brand Aavin, plans to increase the daily procurement of milk to nearly 70 lakh litres from the present 45 lakh litres by this financial year.
“This is the first major target for Aavin,” said Mano Thangaraj, Minister for Milk and Dairy Development, who took this portfolio ten days ago. “After I took over the portfolio, I had two review meetings with Aavin officials, various stakeholders, including farmers, and visited the production centres. We are working out a strategy on ways and means to increase the daily production,” he told newspersons.
Aavin, which supplies milk consumers in the Chennai metropolitan region and its suburban areas, procures milk from nearly 5 lakh farmers.
Monthly cards
Aavin is the only milk co-operative in the country that sells monthly milk cards to the consumers. This feature is being followed to achieve consumers’ patronage and to retain them. In this system, monthly milk cost is received in advance at a concessional rate than MRP. The consumer in turn receives uninterrupted supply of milk at a subsidised rate.