This young farmer from Porandla village of Thimmapur mandal took up a dairy unit in a small piece of land by taking it on rent and earning Rs 2 lakhs per month and taking home Rs 1.3 lakh per month.
This dairy farmer takes home Rs 1.3 lakh per month

Sounds unassuming! But it is a fact. This farmer earns monthly Rs 2 lakhs with eight milching animals by adopting organic dairy farming. Each animal gives daily 10 litres of milk and he sells it in Karimnagar town market at the rate of Rs 80 per litre.

Kumbala Naresh, a resident of Porandla village, is not having land to take up agriculture. Earlier, he used to cultivate paddy by taking land on lease. But, he was not getting sufficient income by taking up paddy cultivation. In the year 2018, he decided to shift to the dairy unit.

He took 20 guntas (a half acre) land on lease by paying a rent of Rs 2,000 per month. He constructed a cattle shed with all amenities for the cattle. He went to Nuzuvidu near Rajahmundry and purchased two cross-Murrah milking animals. Later, every year he purchased two animals and added a total of 16 animals all Murrah. He had ensured that regularly eight animals give milk to him by regularly taking up artificial insemination of animals. He developed green fodder in his one-acre land and also maize crops as feed.

For the cleaning of the shed and animals, regularly supply of fodder to the animals and milking milk, he had appointed a Bihar state labourer by paying him Rs 18,000 per month as his salary. Besides, he regularly visits the dairy and provides the required organic feed and minerals and green fodder. He also takes the help of local veterinary doctors and Gopal mitras for artificial insemination and crossing through bulls.

Agriculture Technology and Management Agency (ATMA) project director Priyadarshini said that they provided necessary training and educated the farmer to diversify from agriculture to dairy units to reap riches.

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