The Nodal Officer/Coordinator Tribal Affairs Department said this during one-day awareness cum training programme held at Government Degree College Pulwama.
The camp was attended by DDC Chairman Pulwama, Syed Bari Indrabi; DDC Member and, Standing Chairman for Education Dr Harbaksh Singh; DDC members of Pampore and Achgoza; ADDC Pulwama, Dr Abdul Aziz Sheikh; BDC Sangerwani, CEO Pulwama and Principals of various Government Degree Colleges, ITIs and Polytechnic Colleges, Warden G&B/ST Hostel Pulwama, ZEOs, HoDs and INOs of Pulwama.
Speaking on the occasion, the Nodal Officer/Coordinator said that the aim for conducting these kind of awareness camps throughout the UT is to aware the general public particularly the Scheduled Tribe community about the different development programmes, welfare schemes and policies implemented by the Department of Tribal Affairs.
He said that under close supervision of Secretary Tribal Affairs, Dr. Shahid Iqbal Choudhary the Department has introduced and expended the network of various Developmental Schemes for the Welfare of the ST community throughout the UT of J&K.
He also informed that Department has created various employment generating programmes for the welfare of the unemployed youth of the UT by opening of Sheep Farm, Dairy Farm, Vandhan Kender’s and sponsoring various projects through TRIFED.
Speaking on the occasion, the DDC Chairman Pulwama suggested that these kinds of programmes be also conducted in Tribal dominated areas where more and more people can avail the benefits of the different schemes being implemented by the Department.
The Technical Team of Tribal Research Institute (TRI) Liyaqat Ali and Javeed Ahmad Baba briefed the ZEOs, HoDs and INOs about submission and verification of applications on Nation al Scholarship Portal and also redressed the various queries related NSP raised by the participants.
The awareness camp was also addressed by the Chief Education Officer, Nazir Ahmad Reashi.