Modi will inaugurate the dairy’s newly built plant at Sandar village in Diyodar taluka on April 19. Spread over 151 acres, the newly built campus has been set up at a cost of nearly Rs 600 crore, Banas Dairy’s chairman Shankar Chaudhary said on Sunday.
PM will also dedicate Banas community radio station to the nation. The community radio station has been established to provide farmers key scientific information related to agriculture and animal husbandry. It is expected that the radio station will connect with over 5 lakh farmers of about 1,700 villages.
Simultaneously, e-inauguration of renovated cheese and whey powder plant in Palanpur, Banas gobar gas plant and bio-CNG station at Dama (Deesa) will also be done while the PM will be digitally laying foundation of four new gobar gas plants at Khimana, Ratanpura (Bhildi), Radhanpur and Thavar (Dhanera).
The new dairy plant will have processing capacity of 30 lakh litres per day (LLPD) milk, produce 80 tonnes of butter, 1 LLPD ice-cream, 20 tonnes of condensed milk (khoya) and six tonnes of chocolate a day.