The price of Aavin's green milk packet has been increased by Rs 2 and printing on the milk packet has caused shock among the public, Aavin's management has given an explanation.
Price of milk rise again

Is the price of milk high?

Milk is an essential requirement for children to old people. Aavin management hiked the price of orange packet milk a few days ago. The prices of butter, ghee, etc. were also increased several times. In this situation, the price of a packet of raw milk was increased by Rs 2 and printed on the packet. The incident shocked the public and milk agents. Is the price of milk inflated indirectly? There was a doubt.

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Rs.2 price increase.?

In this regard, in a statement issued by the President of tamil Nadu Milk Agents workers Welfare Association Ponnusamy, the maximum retail price (of Avin stabilized milk) in green milk packets (dated today 01.01.2023) distributed to Avin milk agents in chennai yesterday afternoon (31.12.2022) is 24.00 instead of 22.00. Rs.23.00 instead of Rs.21.00 for monthly cardholders has been printed. Maybe Aavin’s management has raised the selling price of Aavin’s stabilized milk without prior notice…? The doubt arises. Therefore, on behalf of the tamil Nadu Milk Agents Workers’ Welfare Association, they are requesting that the tamil Nadu government and the administration should ensure this.

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Malfunction in the printing machine:

Explaining this, the managing director of Aavin said that due to a coding error in the printing machine, the price printed on the milk packets has been printed on a different price instead of the correct price. This mistake has been rectified immediately and appropriate departmental action will be taken against the responsible officials, the statement said.

Union minister for fisheries, animal husbandry and dairy Rajiv Ranjan Singh on Monday said govt was working to make the country free from foot and mouth disease (FMD) by ensuring that milk and dairy products exports were allowed to go to European countries.

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