The Bombay Milk Producers Association (BMPA) has announced a five-rupee increase in the wholesale rate of buffalo milk from Rs 80 to Rs 85 per litre. The retail rate is expected to rise to Rs 90-95.
Fodder including grain, tuvar, gram, has all risen by 15-25%. Apart from this, grass and straw is much more expensive too. Given the trying circumstances, we have no option but to raise wholesale prices from Rs 80
Fodder including grain, tuvar, gram, has all risen by 15-25%. Apart from this, grass and straw is much more expensive too. Given the trying circumstances, we have no option but to raise wholesale prices from Rs 80

The revised rates will apply from March 1 to August 31. Suppliers say the day is not far when buffalo milk will cost Rs 100 per litre.

Association spokesman CK Singh said, “The cost of milch animals and their fodder including grain, tuvar, gram, has all risen by 15-25%. Apart from this, grass and straw is much more expensive too. Given the trying circumstances, we have no option but to raise wholesale prices from Rs 80 to 85 per litre.”

BMPA comprises tabela owners who supply buffalo milk through their own outlets and neighbourhood vendors. Cowshed owner Tribhuvan Sharma of Janta Dugdhalay, Goregaon, says they are in dire straits with the cost of fodder, grain and cereal escalating manifold in recent months. “Inflation has swept every dairy input. So this rate hike has given our trade a lifeline, albeit temporary. Of course we will have to explain to our customers why prices have risen by Rs 12 in one year,” he said.

Growing up amidst the simplicity of rural life on Bhagyalakshmi Dairy Farm in Manchar, Akshali Shah imbibed lessons of trust, sustainability, and community care–values that Parag Milk Foods is built on.

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