19 Sep 2024
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Federal checks salvage otherwise dreadful 2020 for US farms

Federal checks salvage otherwise dreadful 2020 for US farms

Thanks to the government paying nearly 40% of their income, U.S. farmers are expected to end 2020 with higher profit than 2019 and the best net income in seven years, the Department of Agriculture said in its latest farm income forecast.

Federal milk pricing reform: Make cheese milk Class I

Federal milk pricing reform Make cheese milk Class I

Nationwide, dairy farmers’ distrust of federal milk pricing is at an all-time low. Producers thought they’d finally see a decent price for June 2020’s milk shipments. But those old gremlins – “depooling” and “negative Producer Price Differentials” – mysteriously evaporated some of June’s $21.04 Class III (cheese) milk price. In
Wisconsin, some milk buyers paid fairly for June 2020 milk. Others did not.

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19 September, 2024

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