The scorching summer sun has led to a surge in demand for milk, yogurt, buttermilk, ice cream, ghee, and other dairy products from the Hassan...
Rising demand for dairy products amidst summer heat

The scorching summer sun has led to a surge in demand for milk, yogurt, buttermilk, ice cream, ghee, and other dairy products from the Hassan…

The scorching summer sun has led to a surge in demand for milk, yogurt, buttermilk, ice cream, ghee, and other dairy products from the Hassan Milk Union.

Currently, the demand for ice cream is approximately 12,000 litres per day, with this number consistently increasing. Additionally, around 10,000 litres of yogurt and double that quantity for buttermilk are also in high demand. According to union officials, milk powder was previously sitting unused in the warehouse, but now Nandini ghee is being sold, and fresh dairy products are being manufactured.

In the district, about 160,000 farmers are involved in dairy farming, contributing to the daily supply of 1.45 million litres of milk to the Hassan Union, which includes Chikkamagaluru. However, the current supply has decreased by 100,000 to 150,000 litres.

Of the available milk, 50-60% is sold in liquid form, while the remainder is converted into powder and other products. Rising conversion costs and a decrease in market prices for milk powder and ghee have prompted the union to anticipate selling products in a timely manner, resulting in increased demand and satisfaction.

In the past seven to eight years, the Hassan Union supplied four tankers—approximately 35,000 litres of ghee—per month for the preparation of Tirupati laddus. However, the transport stopped when the tender was lost. With a new tender awarded for supply to KMF, there is renewed hope that ghee transportation from the Hassan Union might resume. All these factors combined have led to an increase in demand for Hassan Milk Union products.

The Hassan Union supplies 210,000 litres of milk daily to the Hyderabad market. Efforts are underway to expand market reach both within the state and beyond. Since its inception, the union has consistently purchased all the milk brought in by farmers, ensuring timely payments directly to their bank accounts. Moreover, they provide insurance for cattle and honour talented children of milk producers. The union’s strong revenue generation is regarded as a point of pride for the district.

Efforts are being made to elevate the Hassan Milk Union to the top spot in the state. New machinery is being imported for operational trials at the Kaushik Industrial Area in Megadere, with plans for increased milk and dairy product production and market expansion, as stated by H.D. Revanna, the local MLA and president of the Hassan Milk Union. According to Ramesh, the Managing Director of the Hassan Milk Union, the demand for milk, ice cream, yogurt, and buttermilk is on the rise.

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