Farmery has launched its A2 desi Cow Milk in eco-friendly glass bottles in New Delhi NCR. Sourced from indigenous breeds like Sahiwal and Gir, the milk is delivered fresh within 12 hours, free from chemicals and preservatives. Priced at Rs 120 per liter, Farmery ensures high-quality, sustainable, and healthy milk for families.
Farmery, a brand providing fresh, farm-to-table food, has launched its A2 desi Cow Milk in eco-friendly glass bottles. The one-liter bottle, priced at Rs 120, is now available to customers in New Delhi NCR.
According to the press release from Farmery, its A2 Cow Milk is sourced from local, indigenous cow breeds like Sahiwal, Gir, Rathi, and Hariana, which are known for their high nutritional value and digestibility. Unlike conventional milk, which can spend days in the supply chain and undergo extensive processing, Farmery’s milk is delivered fresh from the farm within 12 hours of milking, preserving its natural goodness.
“Farmery’s A2 Cow Milk is unprocessed and free of chemicals, pesticides, enhancers, or preservatives,” said Mrs. Kamakshi Nagar, Founder of Farmery. “We’re committed to providing pure, farm-fresh milk, ensuring our customers enjoy the healthiest option available for their families. Over 7,000 families in New Delhi NCR already trust our milk every morning, and we’re excited to offer them even more convenience with our glass bottles.”
The product is available in a 1-liter glass bottle, priced at Rs 120, with a 5-day milk trial option for Rs 525, providing an affordable way for new customers to experience the benefits of Farmery’s farm-fresh A2 Cow Milk.
Farmery ensures that all its products meet the highest safety standards, with strict quality tests conducted by FSSAI-accredited laboratories. As a brand, Farmery is committed to bringing high-quality, fresh food products to households across the region, with plans to expand its range of offerings in the future.
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