The state government’s decision to reduce the milk price by Rs 3 per litre has helped Madurai Aavin to achieve Rs 3 crore sale per month through its 47 milk stations and 390 booths across the district.
Madurai Aavin procures 1,83,532 litres of milk per day.

The daily sale increased from 1.81 lakh litre to 1.95 lakh litre after the price was slashed, a statement from Madurai Aavin stated. Through its 720 milk producers cooperative associations in the district, Madurai Aavin procures 1,83,532 litres of milk per day. It also processes 1.80 lakh litres of milk collected from other Milk producer unions. Madurai union has 17,935 members.

In addition to milk, Madurai Aavin also produces products like milk powder, milk peda, flavoured milk, paneer, Mysore Pak, butter and ghee. The monthly sale of milk products has crossed Rs 2 crore per month. Besides, products like ice cream, halwa, milk shake, gulab jamun and mixes are brought from Chennai Aavin and other milk producer unions in the state.

Growing up amidst the simplicity of rural life on Bhagyalakshmi Dairy Farm in Manchar, Akshali Shah imbibed lessons of trust, sustainability, and community care–values that Parag Milk Foods is built on.

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