29 Sep 2024
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Tracking adulterants in milk

Tracking adulterants in milk

How would you know if the milk that is supplied to you is adulterated? Scientists of Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, have devised an effective and inexpensive way of finding out.

UT Dairy Science Students Win Recognition 1 hr ago

UT Dairy Club outing 2021

Dairy science students from the University of Tennessee Department of Animal Science garnered several awards during the virtual 2021 Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science Association® (ADSA) in July.

The science of turning milk into cheese

The science of turning milk into cheese

The global production of sheep’s milk is one the rise, in the vast majority of cases used to produce cheese. However, a relatively large amount of milk is needed to produce it, so science is looking for ways to increase its yield; that is, to obtain more cheese using less milk.

Rethinking Milk: Science Takes On the Dairy Dilemma

Rethinking Milk

Cow’s milk is creamy, filling, and delicious ice-cold, and decades of advertising have sold it to Americans as a food that “does a body good.” Dairy products are rich in calcium and protein, and they have long been promoted as important for helping kids grow and helping kids and adults build and maintain strong bones. But does dairy deserve its health halo?

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29 September, 2024

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